Donate to Burkeville Hallowe'en Fireworks

Burkeville Hallowe’en

Hallowe’en in Burkeville is an amazing, magical experience. Our community loves this time of year and many residents go ALL OUT to make this happen!

Not only do our neighbours spend many hours in preparation for this incredible event, they also spend many $100s of their own personal hard-earned dollars per household on decorations and delicious treats for all the visiting young trick or treaters to make this a memorable event each year!

Our Association’s contribution is a MASSIVE 15 minute professional fireworks display (Don’t worry! We’ve cleared it with YVR and the Fire Department!). But, like in the movie business, professional pyrotechnics and technicians are expensive! This year’s show cost the Association over $5000!

In short, if you enjoy our Burkeville Hallowe’en and would like to support and help us to continue to put on this FANTASTIC event, please consider sending us a donation by clicking the button below.

Thank you in advance for your visit… and your generous support! :D

Donate to Burkeville Hallowe'en Fireworks

***IMPORTANT: FREE Parking and Walking Path to Burkeville Hallowe’en

As shown on the electronic signage located on Russ Baker Way, traffic will be restricted to Local Traffic ONLY from 1500h-2100h (3pm to 9pm) on October 31st to maximize the safety of our anticipated VERY LARGE number of Trick-or-Treaters and pedestrians.

The City of Richmond will be providing traffic control equipment and personnel on the night and will be redirecting non-local traffic to our FREE parking location (generously donated by YVR) at the BCIT Aerospace Campus (follow GREEN arrows in diagram below).

Walking Path

Once parked, please follow the brightly lit walking path (follow YELLOW arrows) next to the Sea Island Fire Station which will take you safely, directly into the heart of Burkeville.

If you enjoy the festivities, please consider giving additional support by offering a donation towards our Fireworks show at 2000h (8pm).

Thank you and all the very best for a warm, safe and pleasant Hallowe’en! :)

Donate to Burkeville Hallowe'en Fireworks