YVR Update: Update on South Airfield Rehabilitation Project

We wanted to inform [everyone] that the South Airfield Rehabilitation Project is progressing well with remaining construction in this project to continue through to the end of the year. In the meantime, we recently completed a major milestone, with Taxiway Lima returning to service on July 24

The North Runway has since seen a significant decrease in use from over 80% to approximately 30% of the total number of parallel runway departures.

To facilitate continued night-time work on the South Runway and Airfield, the South Runway will be closed Sun-Fri from 2200h to 0600h. During those times, the North Runway will continue to be used. The direction of landings and take-offs on our runways will, as always, depend on the wind direction.

For the latest [updates], please visit our project website at:  https://www.yvr.ca/en/passengers/construction/major-projects/south-airfield-rehabilitation-project

For more information please feel free to send an email to Community_Relations@yvr.ca

Sea Island Community Association

Sea Island Community Association
Richmond BC V7B 1H7


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