Call to Action: The Sea Island Heritage Society (SIHS) needs your support!

Former, current and future Sea Island residents, friends and supporters!

The Sea Island Heritage Society (SIHS) has been nominated for a B.C. Historical Federation (BCHF) Certificate of Recognition Award.

Please check out the SIHS website at, especially the Burkeville page.

In support of this nomination, the SIHS is asking for letters of support.

Thanks to those who have already written letters of support but all others who value their work can still submit letters until MARCH 1, 2023.

Letters can be sent by postal mail to:

British Columbia Historical Federation

PO Box 448,

Fort Langley, B.C., Canada

V1M 2R7

Alternatively, letters can also be emailed directly to the BCHF via

A sample letter is provided below. Please revise the sample or write your own.

The SIHS thanks you for your support!


Download: Sample letter

Sea Island Community Association

Sea Island Community Association
Richmond BC V7B 1H7

SICA in the News


2022/2023 Richmond Centre Outstanding Constituent Award: Call for Nominations